MLGW Utility Assistance Programs
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Assistance Programs Brochure
Extended Payment Plan:
In certain instances, MLGW may establish a repayment plan of a past due balance in addition to the regular utility bill.
Net Due Date Program:
If you are retired or on a fixed income and receive only one check at the beginning of each month, you may qualify for this plan. You may request that the net due date on your bill be delayed until after you have received your check.
Holiday Bill Break:
MLGW will defer cutoffs for nonpayment for all residential customers between December 15th and January 14th annually. Customers must have an unpaid balance of $399 or less. This new program will allow customers to have extra cash during the holidays while protecting them from getting into serious debt.
Third Party Notification:
You may designate a third party for us to notify in the event of a pending service cutoff due to non-payment or insufficient payments. The third party will not be responsible for paying your bill, but will act as an additional communication link. Call (901) 544-6549 for more information.
Shelby County Community Services Agency (CSA)
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) eligible households can receive up to $1000 once per program year. To qualify for Regular Assistance, you must be a resident of Shelby County with income at or below 150% Federal Poverty Guidelines and an active utility account. If you qualify for Regular Assistance above AND you received a cut-off notice, you may qualify for Emergency Assistance. To qualify, ONE of the below must also apply to your household:
- At least one household member is 60 years of age or over or;
- At least one household member is 5 years of age or younger;
- At least one household member has a disability or;
- The household has experienced an uncontrollable circumstance
You can apply online at
Shelby County Community Services Agency has relocated its offices to 1188 Minna Place, Memphis TN 38104. For questions or additional information visit or call (901)222-4200.

City of Memphis Utility Assistance
Memphians facing utility cutoff notices may qualify for up to a $700 credit on their MLGW utility bills.
You may qualify if: Your household income does not exceed 130% of Federal Poverty Guidelines; you are an existing client of the Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) and/or you have experienced financial, health or military deployment-related hardship within the last six months.
In addition, you must also live in Memphis (unincorporated, or de-annexed residents who may have a Memphis address but live in Shelby County, do not qualify), have the utilities in your or your spouse’s name, have a combined household income that does not exceed 130% of the established federal poverty income level, and have a current MLGW cut-off notice.

The Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) provides one-time, emergency utility assistance through MLGW’s Plus-1 and Memphis Emergency Assistance programs. Applicants must live in Shelby County and may be eligible for assistance once a year after proving a crisis occurred within the last 90 days. Eligibility is not based on income, but preference is given to those off work for medical reasons. Applicants must provide proof that they can cover the remainder of the bill. Apply All MIFA Emergency Services (ES) inquiries, (telephonic and email) will be centralized to the new ES Helpdesk: or (901) 529-4538. MIFA will have someone respond with a call or an email within 2 business days. There is also an option to receive assistance with an application if having difficulty accessing or completing one online.
The Millington Crisis Center Ministry offers emergency utility assistance for Millington residents when funding is available. Contact them at 872-4357.
Referrals and Information
2-1-1 – Call 2-1-1 for social service referrals, including housing, medical and utility assistance.
United Way of the Mid-South – Call UW’s Driving the Dream Call Center for resource referrals, including housing, medical and utility assistance. Contact United Way at (844) 444-4211
*MLGW provides this community assistance listing as a service to its customers. Funding is subject to availability and eligibility requirements may change.