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What is NGV?
With proven reserves of domestic natural gas soaring (100+ years) and our dependence on foreign oil as burdensome as ever, it only makes sense to start using clean, inexpensive and abundant natural gas as a vehicle fuel. Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) are good for our economy, our environment and your bottom line. Whether you’re an individual or a fleet manager, never before have there been so many natural gas products and services available, spurred by unprecedented industry investments and government incentives.



What is CNG?
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is natural gas that has been compressed to 3,600 psi, which remains clear, odorless, and non-corrosive. Although vehicles can use natural gas as either a liquid or a gas, most vehicles use CNG. CNG is measured and sold at the pump in gasoline gallon equivalents, or GGE.


What is LNG?
Liquefied natural gas, or LNG, is natural gas in a liquid form. When natural gas is cooled to minus 259 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 161 degrees Celsius), it becomes a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. LNG is neither corrosive nor toxic. This liquid form allows large volumes of natural gas to be transported to locations unreached by gas pipelines.