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   Start Service Request
     Click here to send a request for MLGW to Start Service at your home.

   Stop Service Request
     Click here to send a request for MLGW to Stop Service at your home.

   Transfer Service Request
     Click here to send a request for MLGW to Transfer Service to a new address.

NOTE: Please visit the Residential Service Agreement section to complete your agreement.

Requirements for Utility Service Connection:

  • The utility shall require a minimum $200 deposit in cash, cashier’s check or money order from credit risk applicants.  Applicants may elect to have the deposit billed on their next utility bill or new customers may elect to pay the deposit in eight payments of $25 beginning with the first billed month of service.
  • Applicants are required to present two of the following forms of identification, one of which must be a discernible picture identification:
            Valid driver’s license, or Tennessee Drivers Certificate;
    Official state ID card (issued by State as ID in place of driver’s license);
    Federal identification card (passport and/or visa, alien registration card);
    Military discharge papers;
    Voter's registration card;
    Social security card;
    Certified copy of the birth certificate;
    IRS individual taxpayer identification number card;
    Municipal, State or Federal employment ID;
            Medicaid or Medicare identification cards;
    State-issued hunting and fishing license;
    State-issued gun permit or license;
    EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer Card).
    Consular ID cards
    Library Cards (proposed for 2013)
    Employee identification cards (proposed for 2013)

Refund of Deposits:

  • Deposits will be returned to customers via a credit to their utility bill after establishing a 24-month Good Pay record.

Interest on Deposits:

  • MLGW does not pay interest on customer deposits.

Reconnection Fees & Policy: