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Let the professionals with Memphis Light, Gas and Water's Public Education Program share valuable information with your classroom, community group, church or civic organization.

Programs include MLGW water pumping station tours and speakers that specialize in Energy Conservation, Safety, Careers and more.

Speaker Request Form

Water Tours
A limited number of tours are conducted at MLGW's Sheahan Water Pumping Station near the University of Memphis. Students observe the water treatment process, tour the water quality assurance laboratory and learn how water makes it from the sky to their faucet.

Energy Conservation
Speakers will discuss the importance of energy and water and how you can reduce energy waste around the home.

Learn how to be aware of situations involving utilities that pose potential hazards, and how to handle these situations if they occur. Being knowledgeable about carbon monoxide, electrical safety and emergency preparedness could prevent injuries or even save your life.

Careers at MLGW
Attorneys chemists, engineers, accountants, linemen and more… MLGW employs a variety of professionals and skilled tradesmen. During this presentation, students will learn about the diversity of skills represented at MLGW, and how they can prepare for a career in the utility industry.

Speakers Bureau
Looking for a speaker for your classroom, community group, church or civic organization? MLGW representatives are available to speak on a variety of utility related topics such energy conservation, safety, careers and more. For the best availability of speakers, advance requests are highly recommended.

Important: For the best availability of speakers, advance requests are highly recommended. You can also schedule a presentation by calling MLGW Community Relations at (901) 528-4820.