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Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the nation's largest three-service municipal utility.

Since 1939, MLGW has met the utility needs of Memphis and Shelby County residents by delivering reliable and affordable electricity, natural gas and water service.

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2023 Annual Report

Annual Report Archives:
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OPEB and Pension:
The MLGW Other Post Employment Benefits Trust ("OPEB Trust") was created, effective January 1, 2007.  Assets held by the OPEB Trust are for the exclusive purpose of funding health and welfare benefits of MLGW's retirees and their eligible dependents and funding the cost of operating and administering the trust.

Effective October 1, 1948, the Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division Retirement and Pension System (the “Plan”) was adopted. The Plan's primary purpose is to recognize employee contributions within MLGW operations of the City of Memphis and reward the same by providing eligible employees with an opportunity to accumulate a retirement benefit for their future security and that of their beneficiaries.