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MLGW Celebrates Earth Day in April
April 1, 2012

What exactly is Earth Day, and why should you take action?

Prior to 1970 in the U.S., unregulated wastes and toxins could be legally dumped into the air, water bodies and buried. Unfortunately, many people became ill from the build-up of pollution in their neighborhoods and cities. Americans were increasingly concerned about how these hazards affected their health.

Inspired by the 1960’s campus activism, a Wisconsin Senator, Gaylord Nelson, partnered with grass-root volunteers to bring to the attention of Washington the concerns Americans had about their environment.

In Spring 1970, Senator Nelson created Earth Day to address the need for a national agenda that would tackle environmental issues.  Not too long thereafter, the EPA was established. Regulatory mechanisms such as the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were passed by Congress. But, it was the action of everyday Americans like you who made the difference.

April 22, 2012 marks the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day. Every action you take each day insures a legacy of cleaner air, water and unspoiled land for your children and grand-children. What you do today, every day can create a healthy and prosperous future for the people that you love…for the country that you call home.

Make Earth Day, every day. Here’s how:

1) Participate in an Earth Day Event

  • April 15-30: Memphis Botanic Garden: Celebrate all month through a variety of public events such as the Spring Plant Sale and the monthly Brown Bag Lunch Lecture. Contact (901) 636-4100 for more info.

  • April 19: University of Memphis: Earth Day Concert at the UC Bldg 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • April 20: e-Cycling Event: Take your electronics to be recycled at the Commercial Appeal’s headquarters 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Contact (901) 529-2345 for more info.

  • April 21-22: Shelby Farms: Earth Festival (April 21) and 5k Fun Run (April 22). Contact (901) 767-7275 for more info.

  • April 28: Memphis City Beautiful: GreenUp Festival. Contact (901) 522-1135 for more info.

2) Buy Green Power to offset carbon emissions, reduce air pollution, and help reduce the future cost offossil fuels.  Call the Green Power Switch hotline at (901) 528-4549 or  email to sign up today.

3) Don’t waste energy at work. Turn off lights, computers, printers, monitors, and other equipment when leaving for the day. When you are not around, turn it down. Help MLGW save resources.

4) Don’t waste water at work or home. Running water can waste thousands of gallons each year.

5) A home energy audit helps you assess how your home uses energy and prioritize actions you can take to make it more efficient and comfortable. To get started, contact MLGW’s Energy Doctors at (901) 528-4181 to schedule an appointment.

As a large public utility, Memphis Light, Gas and Water takes its responsibility as an environmental steward seriously. In preserving the environment, MLGW works to ensure that our precious natural resources will thrive in the future.

With programs such as EcoBUILD, Green Power Switch and Plug-In Memphis, MLGW is a proud winner of the Tennessee Conservation League's Wildlife Conservationist of the Year.

Visit MLGW's Environmental section to learn more about MLGW's efforts to safeguard and protect the environment.

Take Action. It’s easy to Make Earth Day, every day.  To receive a list of other green tips, send an email to MLGW Wise Use at