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The Tennessee Valley Authority has issued a Power Supply Alert for MLGW Customers
January 7, 2015

A Power Supply Alert has been issued for all customers in the Tennessee Valley, which includes all MLGW customers. Due to an arctic cold front moving through our service area today with temperatures falling into the teens, TVA asks that all customers reduce any non-essential electricity use during peak hours today. Peak hours begin at 5 p.m.

Customers can reduce their power consumption and lower their utility bills by:

  • Turning down the thermostat (for customers with electric heating). Lowering the temperature just one degree can result in a savings of up to four percent.
  • Delay using electric appliances such as dishwashers, electric dryers and electric cooking appliances.
  • Turn off non-essential lights, appliances and electronics.

To stay warm, customers are reminded to bundle up while inside and outside. While inside, customers can:

  • Wear layered clothing and thick socks to keep warm.
  • Close garage doors, cover foundation vents, and close off vents and doors to seldom-used rooms.
  • Place rolled-up towels inside against bottom of exterior doors and window sills to block cold air from coming inside.

MLGW is also reducing its own power use in all of its facilities by reducing lighting and taking other steps to reduce overall electricity consumption.