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Governor Bredesen, Energy Policy Task Force to visit MLGW August 15
August 13, 2008
Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen and the Governor's Energy Policy Task Force will meet at the Memphis Light, Gas and Water Administration Building, Friday, August 15. The meeting will begin at 9 am and last until noon. Following the meeting, they will tour the Uptown neighborhood and learn about MLGW’s EcoBuild program, which helped Uptown to become one of the largest "green communities" in the country.

"We are excited to show Governor Bredesen and the other members of the task force what we are doing in Memphis to conserve energy as well as discuss important energy issues that are affecting every Tennessean," said MLGW Board Chairman and Task Force member V. Lynn Evans.

Evans is one of two Shelby County delegates on the 17 member task force. The other is Phil Chamberlin of the Home Builders’ Association. The group is charged with making recommendations to help Tennessee become a leader in energy efficiency and conservation, use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources, and the development of clean-energy technology. Signed in March 2008, the Executive Order outlines four key goals and objectives:

1. Opportunities for state government to lead by example in energy efficiency and conservation, with an emphasis on building construction and management and vehicle fleet management;

2. Prospective policies, legislation, regulations or incentives to encourage statewide energy efficiency and conservation in the public and private sectors;

3. Possible public-private partnerships and collaborations to encourage research and development of clean-energy technology and increase economic development potential in the state’s energy sector; and

4. Strategies for expanding the use of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources to support the sustainability of Tennessee’s environment.

The task force includes representatives of four state agencies, including the commissioners of the Departments of Economic and Community Development, Environment and Conservation, Finance and Administration, and General Services or their designees, and a dozen additional members representing business, environmental, legislative and other interests.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 420,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County. A 2007 survey of large metropolitan areas showed that MLGW has the sixth lowest combined rates in the nation.