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MLGW News Release
MLGW Finishes Work on 200th Home in Share the Pennies Program
June 17, 2019
MLGW reached a milestone with funds from the Share the Pennies program. Since MLGW kicked off its newly expanded weatherization program in 2018, more than $1 million has been collected.

“As Memphis celebrates its 200th birthday, we’re grateful to be celebrating the work completed on 200 homes,” said MLGW’s Chief Customer Officer Jim West.

Murlene Beauregard is the 200th homeowner Share the Pennies has helped. Anthony Jackson with Jackson General Contractors of Memphis and his crew installed two new heat pumps and air conditioning units, patched gaping holes in the ceiling, walls and floors, repaired a sewer leak under the house and leveled sagging floors.

“I couldn’t afford to do these things,” said Beauregard who is 67 and legally blind. With the repairs finished, she added, “This is going to really take a lot of stress off us.” Beauregard babysits her five grandchildren while her daughter works.

Regarding the Share the Pennies program, Jackson said, “Most of the time, I’m a person who doesn’t like (spare) change. I either lose it or it falls between the seats. Change is always being disregarded. This program puts it in perspective what those pennies actually can do and who they can help.”

Interested in talking with a homeowner or contractor in the Share the Pennies program? Contact Corporate Communications at 



MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 431,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.

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