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MLGW News Release
MLGW's Annual Winter Moratorium Takes Effect Today Amidst Lingering Freezing Conditions
December 15, 2010
(December 15, 2010) - With temperatures expected to remain well below freezing the next several days, MLGW is working to ensure customer safety by activating its Annual Moratorium today. MLGW will suspend residential customer cut-offs for nonpayment December 15-January 14 except in cases of theft, safety and default on special payment plans. While customers are protected from cut-offs during the Annual Moratorium, MLGW encourages residents to continue to make payments in order to avoid accumulating large balances.

Use Energy Wisely:

MLGW wants to remind its customers of the importance of wise energy usage during the coldest winter periods. Some simple tips include:

  • Setting your thermostat no higher than 68 and dressing in layers or using blankets to stay warm.
  • Check your home for areas where your warm air might be leaking, and caulk around windows and use weather stripping or even towels around doors to prevent air from escaping.
  • Open blinds and curtains on sunny days to allow the sun to help warm your house.

    Water Pipes:

    Water pipes can burst anytime temperatures are below freezing. A burst water pipe or water heater is considered to be an emergency and could pose a danger of flooding your home or building. You can prevent frozen water pipes by:

  • Opening cabinet doors and turning water to a slow drip
  • Wrapping pipes either in pipe insulation (available at hardware stores) or with towels, clothes, etc.
  • If your pipes freeze, turn off the water service to your home to prevent flooding. If you are unable to turn your water service off, call MLGW's Emergency Hotline and we can send out a technician to do so.
  • However, any pipe damage between the meter and the home is considered the homeowner's responsibility and could require the services of a plumber.

    Space Heaters and Gas Appliances:

  • To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning in your home, make sure that all natural gas appliances, such as your water heater, furnace and space heaters, are vented properly.
  • DO NOT use space heaters overnight and when no one is home. Position space heaters so they are not near flammable objects.
  • If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, seek medical assistance immediately and move the victim, if possible, to a well-ventilated area, then call our 24-hour emergency number at 528-4465.

    Portable Generators:

  • Never use a generator indoors or in an enclosed area such as a garage. Generators emit toxic carbon monoxide from the engine exhaust.
  • A generator should only be operated in a well-ventilated and dry area, away from air intakes to the home. It should be protected from direct exposure to rain and snow, preferably under a canopy, open shed or carport.
  • Do not attempt to restore power to your entire house by plugging the generator into a wall outlet. The electricity produced by a generator can ruin your home's wiring and start a fire. It can also feed back into the utility system and energize a line thought to be without power, which represents a serious hazard to both utility workers and customers.

    These tips, along with others, can be found at

    MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 420,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County.