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MLGW Announces Weather-Related Reconnection Program For Residential Customers
June 25, 2010
(June 24, 2010) - Memphis Light, Gas and Water announced today a new weather-related reconnection program for residential customers who are currently without electric, gas and/or water services due to non-payment or failure to complete MLGW's required identification procedures. These residential customers - no matter how much they owe - can pay $225 to re-establish service but are required to enter into a deferred payment plan (not to exceed five months) for their remaining outstanding balances. MLGW would restore service for a minimum of 15 days.

The Reconnection Program starts Friday, June 25, and is available on days of extreme temperatures whenever MLGW declares a moratorium on disconnections due to non-payment or failure to complete the utility’s required identification procedures. The program only applies to residential customers who have lost one or more services due to non-payment or failure to complete MLGW’s required identification process. Customers also have to have been disconnected within the past six months to be eligible for the program.

To participate, eligible residential customers must pay $225 at one of MLGW’s five community centers: 245 South Main Street, 2935 Lamar Avenue, 1111 East Shelby Drive, 2424 Summer Avenue or, in Millington, 5131 Navy Road.

“This is an experimental and temporary initiative. We are hopeful that hundreds of customers will take advantage of this opportunity in an effort to obtain relief from our extended heat wave. As an extra measure our community offices will be open Saturday to accommodate any customer that wishes to participate,” said MLGW President and CEO Jerry R. Collins Jr.

Currently, MLGW enacts its weather-related moratorium policy whenever these conditions exist:
(a) the forecast heat index will be 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above at any time during a 24-hour period; or
(b) the forecast heat index will be 95 degrees Fahrenheit or above at any time in a 24-hour period for customers 60 years of ago or older, physically challenged, or customers certified as life-support dependent.

The Reconnection Program would require customers to complete a Hazardous Weather Agreement; to enter into a deferred payment plan (not to exceed five months) for the remaining past due balance owed to MLGW; and to pay his or her first bill, following this reconnection, in full by the due date printed on the bill. If that first bill is not fully and timely paid, then the customer is subject to immediate disconnection without further notice.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 429,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County. A January 2010 survey showed that MLGW has the fifth lowest electric rates in the nation.