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MLGW News Release
MLGW Provides Utility Information for Flood Victims Flooded property may require electrical repairs, Code Enforcement inspection
May 17, 2011
(May 17, 2011) - With flood waters receding, some MLGW customers affected by the recent flooding may be preparing return to their homes to assess damage. MLGW is sharing information with these customers so that they are aware of the steps they need to take in order to get their utilities safely restored.

The utility also has staff assisting customers at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster recovery center at the county code enforcement building at 6465 Mullins Station Road. In addition, MLGW and the City of Memphis have set up information stations starting Thursday, May 19, at the shelter at Cummings Street Baptist Church (250 E. Raines) and at the Ed Rice Community Center (2907 N. Watkins Street). The shelters will be staffed Thursday-Saturday this week, and will be open next week as needed, starting on Monday.

For evacuees looking to return to their homes, it is important to wait until local authorities have deemed it safe to return to a flooded area. Once customers are allowed to return to their homes, they should do the following:

  • Check your home to see if the water level reached any outlets, plugs, switches, panel box, or meters. If there are signs that water penetrated any of the electrical outlets, you will need to hire a licensed electrician to make repairs.

  • After work has been completed by the electrician, the homeowner will have to call Shelby County Code Enforcement at 379-4270 to get an inspection before MLGW can safely reconnect electric service.

  • Do NOT attempt to restore electric services or turn power on without the proper inspection.

  • Never operate a generator inside your home. Keep it outside for proper ventilation. Plug appliances directly into the generator, and only use extension cords when necessary. Check the manufacturer's recommendation for proper use and load.

  • Flush your water system by turning all faucets and letting them run for five minutes.

    If you suspect a natural gas leak:

  • Leave the area immediately and call MLGW at 528-4465. This number should be treated like 911 and only called for life threatening situations.

  • Do not use anything electrical (including a cell phone).

  • Do not try to locate or stop the leak. Always call 811 to locate your natural gas lines before you dig on your property.

  • If you plan to permanently vacate your home, please call 820-7878 to arrange to close your account.