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MLGW News Release
MLGW makes overnight progress in Hickory Hill area: Only 100 customers without power
February 9, 2008
(February 9, 2008, 9 a.m.) - Following significant repairs to MLGW's Hickory Hill substation yesterday that allowed the utility to energize the facility and bring power to residents and businesses in the area, all but about 100 MLGW customers now have power.

MLGW crews continue to work to restore the remaining outages. MLGW encourages customers who are still without power to again report their outages at 544-6500.

Some customers may have damage to their weatherheads. The weatherhead is usually located above the roofline or attached to the gable or side of the house where the customer’s wiring connects to MLGW’s electric lines. The weatherhead is the homeowner's property and therefore, is not maintained by MLGW. If it is damaged, a customer must have it repaired by a licensed electrician and inspected by Code Enforcement before MLGW can restore your power.

"This restoration process is the product of hard work on the part of hundreds of MLGW employees and out-of-town crews that are assisting us. Their dedication has allowed us to make tremendous progress in the last 24 hours," said MLGW President and CEO Jerry Collins, Jr. "At the same time, I want to ensure the remaining customers without power that we will keep working until they have power, as well."