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MLGW News Release
MLGW spreads the word to customers about being Energy Smart
April 17, 2008
In conjunction with TVA, Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division has launched a community-based, pilot program called EnergySmart Memphis. The premise of this pilot program is to get MLGW customers to use less energy by addressing factors that affect high utility bills-the age of housing, condition of energy-using equipment, the level of insulation and the homeowner's financial ability to make repairs.

Working with TVA, MLGW is offering workshops throughout Shelby County that focus on teaching energy basics. TVA is funding hands-on demonstrations and providing tool kits that include weatherization materials, energy-efficient light bulbs and other items. Since the fall of 2007, 1,750 customers have attended 44 EnergySmart workshops. The workshops are held throughout the community and teach practical ways to save energy.

MLGW hopes to interact with 4,000 customers through these workshops over the next 12 months.

Also, as part of the pilot, MLGW has set aside $1 million in its budget to weatherize up to 300 homes of customers who meet federal poverty guidelines. MIFA and Shelby County Community Services Agency would identify the customers.

Pending Memphis City Council approval, up to $3,000 per home would be available for a number of improvements that include fixing pipes, heating and ventilation systems, water heating repairs, weatherstripping doors and installing programmable thermostats. Making these kind of improvements can result in a significant decrease in electric, gas and water usage, which means lower utility bills.

Based on the success of the EnergySmart Memphis pilot, MLGW plans to seek more funding sources and expand the program to meet the needs of more households.

For more information on EnergySmart Memphis or to schedule a workshop, call (901) 528-4444 or visit

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 420,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County. A 2007 survey of large metropolitan areas showed that MLGW has the sixth lowest combined rates in the nation.