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An alert customer thwarts another imposter posing as an MLGW employee
December 3, 2008
(December 3, 2008) - For the second time in less than a week, an alert customer thwarted an imposter who posed as an MLGW employee. The latest incident occurred recently in East Memphis, where a man went a customer's home holding a green MLGW cutoff card. He told the customer that he was there to collect money to stop a cutoff. The customer-whose account is in good-standing-grew suspicious and later called MLGW Customer Care Center at (901) 544-MLGW to report the encounter.

MLGW field employees do not ask for or accept money for residential customer accounts. The alert customer did not pay the imposter.

According to the customer, the imposter was driving a white truck and wearing camouflaged hat and pants, white shirt and black boots.

MLGW employees will always carry proper identification. Customers should ask to see identification badges in addition to looking for the MLGW logo on the uniform and the vehicle. To verify an MLGW work request or employee, call (901) 544-MLGW.

MLGW is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving more than 420,000 customers in Memphis and Shelby County. A 2008 survey of large metropolitan areas showed that MLGW has one of the lowest combined rates in the nation.