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MLGW Hosts 6th Annual A-Blazing Race Solar Car Event at the University of Memphis
October 18, 2018

MLGW is once again hosting its Annual “A-Blazing Race” on Friday, October 19, 2018 at the University of Memphis Herff College of Engineering located at the corner of Zach Curlin Street and Norriswood Avenue. The A-Blazing Race promotes MLGW’s interest in solar energy and engages youth in grades six through twelve in the design and construction of model solar cars while also introducing children to different engineering-related professions.

The object of the race is to design and build a vehicle that is powered strictly by solar power to compete in races with other similar cars. Students also compete in a design competition. This year’s event will be divided into two (2) divisions, grades 6-8 and grades 9-12. Teams can consist of four to eight people. Schools are limited to two teams. The winner of the competition will be the team whose vehicle is the top finisher in a series of head-to-head elimination rounds

Trophies will be given for speed (1st, 2nd, 3rd place), Design (Aesthetic Award) and Notebook (Documentation of Design and Build). 

MLGW provides a kit containing a solar panel, battery holder and motor. Participants can use any other materials to design and build a solar powered vehicle that will race on a 20-meter race course. Students are encouraged to use recycled materials and there is a $20 limit on purchased materials. 

The 2018 A-Blazing Race will be part of E-Day, an annual open house hosted by the Herff College of Engineering at the University of Memphis. The A-Blazing Race is sponsored by MLGW, University of Memphis and the American Association of Blacks in Energy. 

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