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MLGW News Release
MLGW to Co-Host Community Outreach Forum for Green Power Switch
November 15, 2011
(November 15, 2011) - Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) is co-hosting a free community outreach forum Friday, November 18, 2011 at the MLGW auditorium from 8:30 to 3:00. The Tennessee Renewable Energy Economic Development Council (TREEDC) is the other co-host for the forum as part of an ongoing series helping to promote TVA's Green Power Switch Program.

Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell and Memphis Mayor AC Wharton will deliver opening remarks.

MLGW CEO Jerry Collins is the keynote speaker and will participate in the effort to encourage Memphis area citizens and businesses to invest in clean energy generation by TVA. Presentations will be given by representatives from Memphis Bioworks, FedEx, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the University of Memphis, Gibson County Utilities, Tennessee Tech University and 49 Green. TREEDC is a statewide grassroots coalition of 65 city and county mayors promoting the economic development and environmental benefits of renewable energy for all communities in Tennessee.

TREEDC was formed by the University of Tennessee President Emeritus Dr. Joe Johnson , four mayors and a small engineering firm out of Knoxville, TN. Councilman Edmund Ford Jr. is an advisory board member and helps coordinate federal and state clean energy initiatives on behalf of the City of Memphis. Other members of TREEDC include Memphis Light Gas & Water, Tennessee Valley Authority, USDA Rural Development and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The forum will be limited to 75 seats, and attendees can register by e-mailing For additional information go to