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Some MLGW customers received multiple communications regarding water service lines
January 7, 2024
In preparation for the 2024 comprehensive lead service line survey, MLGW is updating water service line records.  This update erroneously triggered the MLGW notification system to send letters to approximately 2,300 Memphis Light, Gas and Water customers about their water service lines. Some customers received multiple letters stating that their lines would soon be replaced.  During the week of January 8 those customers will receive a corrected letter that reads:

“While updating historical records, our system inadvertently sent you multiple letters regarding lead service lines. Your MLGW water service line has already been replaced or verified to be non-lead. 

Please disregard the multiple letters you received about your MLGW water service line. We apologize for any confusion. You can visit to view the status of your MLGW water service line or contact us at 544-MLGW.”

Since 2012, MLGW has inspected more than 8,000 water service lines in areas where lead service lines are suspected to be located, replacing those service lines confirmed to be made of lead.  The utility stopped installing lead service lines in the 1950’s and has identified areas where lead lines may exist (see

The 2024 survey is intended to confirm locations in need of replacement to inform the plan to remove any remaining lead service lines. MLGW offers free water testing kits to customers. Customers can request a kit by calling 544-6549 or emailing


Memphis Light, Gas and Water is the largest three-service public power utility in the nation, serving the residents of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee since 1939. MLGW consistently provides customers with rates that are amongst the lowest in the nation and stewards a water supply from artesian wells that is minimally treated. Actively engaged in promoting the prosperity of Memphis and Shelby County, MLGW supports the seven local chambers in its service area and makes doing business with local, minority- and women-owned business a priority. Deeply rooted in the community, its employees generously donate time and money in support of bettering the Greater Memphis area.

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