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Power Hour
MLGW Customer Survey – Power Hour
We want to make sure MLGW Power Hour meetings address YOUR biggest concerns. We need your input to do that. Please complete this short survey so we can provide the information that is most relevant to you and your community.
* Required Information
*1.  What topics would you like to discuss at MLGW Power Hour meetings? (Check all that apply.):
Outage Restoration
MLGW Construction Projects
Tree Trimming
Customer Service
Special Assistance Programs
Energy Conservation
Power Supply Alternatives
No Preference
*2. What day of the week do you prefer meetings to be held?
*3. What time of day do you prefer meetings to be held?
*4. What neighborhood do you live in?
5. Please suggest a meeting location in your neighborhood:
6. Who is your Memphis City Council Representative and/or Shelby County Commissioner?
7. Have you ever attended one of these MLGW events? (Check all that apply.)
No, I’ve never attended an MLGW event until now
Public meeting
Educational workshop
Community fair
8. How do you prefer to receive information about MLGW? (Check all that apply.)
Public meetings
Social Media
From family/friends
9. If you would like to be contacted, please include your name and email address.
10. Is there anything else you would like us to know?