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General Info on EcoBUILD | Residential Builder/Developer | Individual Building A Home
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Residential Builder/Developer

EcoBUILD offers a proven, innovative way to attract potential homebuyers to your new homes - whether new subdivisions, infill construction or custom homes. While location and amenities have always been at the top of a homebuyer's list, many are starting to expect higher energy efficiency as a way to control monthly expenses. EcoBUILD enables you to deliver - and provides the third-party certification to prove it!

Benefits to EcoBUILD participation


  • Attract homebuyers who want lower utility bills, greater temperature control and better indoor air quality
  • Attain third-party endorsement of your construction practices and homes through MLGW, including the EcoBUILD Homeowner's Manual created for each certified home.
  • Differentiate your homes from other housing stock, shortening the sales cycle
  • Generate higher revenue from the sale of EcoBUILD homes
  • Enhance your image in the community by positioning your company as concerned and committed to energy efficiency and the environment


Does it cost more to build green?

Usually, although the amount depends on the type of equipment and materials you currently use and on how well you (or your subcontractors) size systems and install materials.

Take air conditioning, for example. A 14 SEER unit has a higher initial cost than a baseline 13 SEER unit. However, you may be able to cut tonnage in an EcoBUILD home, due to lower heat gain and better duct systems. This tonnage savings may offset the added cost of the more efficient model. (EcoBUILD reduced required AC sizing in one home by 4 tons, while maintaining comfort!) If you currently use a good quality low-e window, it will cost very little to upgrade to one with a U-factor of 0.30. Other "green building" components - from native plants to low VOC paints and finishes - are comparably priced so there is little or no added cost.

Input from builders thus far indicates that upgrade costs to meet EcoBUILD standards range from 1.5% to 3% - an investment that is returned through utility bill savings in less than five years.

Incentives for builders and developers

To encourage builders and developers to adopt EcoBUILD standards, MLGW offers a menu of financial incentives. Incentives vary based on construction volume - from as few as 10 homes to entire developments. There are incentives for individual homes and affordable housing, as well.

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